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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cover Letter Writing Help For Your Job Seeker Toolkit

By Kathy Tremblay

Are you wondering whether you should be seeking cover letter writing help as part of your job seeker toolkit? Did someone, somewhere along the line tell you not to worry about cover letter writing at all? Perhaps you have been told that the only thing you should concentrate on is your resume.
After all, you may have spent a couple hundred dollars on your resume, and that ought to be enough, right? Wrong!
Please forgive me for respectfully disagreeing with this old-fashioned attitude. In today's job market, if you are even remotely thinking about looking for a new job or career, you need all the tools you can fit into your job seeker toolkit.
Of course, the quality of your tools matters a great deal! Just like a carpenter can hammer a nail with any old hammer, the quality of the hammer itself will partially determine how many nails he or she can hammer during the course of the job, along with the force with which the hammer can be used.
If the hammer is a piece of junk, that carpenter will be lucky if he or she gets through a full day of framing.
And so it is with your job seeker toolkit. Decent resume assistance without great cover letter writing help might get you closer to an interview - or might even win you an interview - but imagine how much more productive your job search will be if you have better tools than everyone else!
Of course, one of the biggest obstacles for job seekers is know exactly where to start to find good cover letter writing help! Here are two solid tips to help you narrow down your search, and to save you a little time:
Tip #1: Go to your favorite search engine and type in a few variations of the kind of assistance you are seeking. However, if you simply type in "cover letter," you are likely to get millions of search engine results. If you don't believe me, try it! Once you do that, how on earth can you narrow down what you really need? So instead, try typing "Cover Letter Writing Help" - you can even use quotations marks to get really focused! Or, try "Job Seeker Toolkit" and see what you get.
You'll likely get a few less results, and will be far more relaxed and far less stressed!
Tip #2: Now, go ahead a read a few of the articles and resources that you find. At some point, someone or another will have an approach that "resonates" with you and your style. In other words, something you read will either catch your eye or spark your interest. Perhaps a service or a simple cover letter writing software will be just the thing. If it feels good, that is a good indicator that you have located a resource that will work well for you.
And why is that? Because if it feels like a good system or tool, you will USE it! And as you do, if it feels good, that will be reflected in the quality of your cover letter writing! Which means your cover letters will have more spark, more energy, and reflect you in a good light.
If it does not feel like a good fit, then that particular brand or style of cover letter writing help is not for you. And that means you WON'T use it! Which of course means you'll be right back where you started!
These two small tips in themselves can set you on the right path whether you are seeking cover letter writing help or any other type of job search help. Try it!

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